Assuming they don’t get postponed again, I am very excited to be performing with my band 3 times in the coming summer months. Like most others in the musical world we live in I’ve got used to waiting patiently for things to start up again and not get too excited about anything in the future as so many hopes and dreams of life returning to normal have been crushed. The first is on Saturday 26th June at the Fermata Festival in Earl’s Court (London). After that it’s the 3-times-postponed Up Close And Musical festival on Saturday 14th August (the original date for this was supposed to be well over a year ago and so we’re really hoping this can finally happen) which is also in London (near Farringdon) and then NQ Jazz in Manchester on Monday 30th August.

In other news I also have some concerts coming up with my mum Viktoria Mullova, with a new swing trio featuring Lizzie Ball and Nick Fitch, with the Manchester Collective at the BBC Proms, and my dear friends and musical collaborators for many years – the wonderful Sam Lee and Alice Zawadzki. This is of course assuming nothing gets cancelled in the next couple of months – this is the first time I’ve dared updated my website all year as I wanted to wait until it felt reasonably likely things would go ahead as planned. Feel free to head to my Gigs page for more info.